The Play Weird series takes a different approach to 5e games. In addition to the ancestry traits and statistics, backgrounds and cleric domains, feats and equipment, Play Weird provides the cultural background to bring the most out of these numbers. More than just a few pages of rules, Play Weird is an ethnography, a story of a people, presenting everything from government to food ways, art to religion, family life and material culture.
Caturday 5e
Bipedal cat people, the Caturday are a naturally mystical, luxury loving, and agile ancestry whose home city-state of Catopia was destroyed by invading hobgoblins. Lost strays, the race has had to cope with the loss of their homeland and their royal family, as well as the vagaries of a refugee life. Inside you will find:
Surial: Bear Folk of the North 5e
The cold regions of the world are the home of the Surial, towering bear-folk who were created by the spirits of the wilds to serve as stewards and protectors of the natural world. Most well known for their innate healing magic and gentle nature, any who cross the Surial have learned a deadly lesson. Fear the fury of the bear! Inside you will find:
Little Grey Aliens 5e
Little Grey Aliens 5e brings these strange visitors to your campaign with:
The Greys as a playable ancestry with stats, culture, history, and how to integrate them into your game. Inside you will find:
Prehistorica 5e
More than just a list of new species, Prehistorica (5e) can be used as the basis for campaigns set in the Stone Age or a portion of your game world that features peoples of an earlier era. Inside you will find:
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